Her birthday is creeping up on us now .. six days. SIX DAYS!! And she will be " a big one year old girl" as we tell her. I'm excited to see her eat her cake. We ordered a Winnie the Pooh cake and I hope it turns out cute! We are doing her party on Feb 3rd but I want it to be about Skyler and I will either do my birthday on the 1st (assuming I have the day off) or whenever, I'm not that worried about it.
So, birthday, birthday, Valentine's day and then... March 18th. Jeremiah & I will have been married for a year. It doesn't feel that long! And it honestly doesn't feel that much different for us. We already were living together and pretty much acted married anyway, haha. But it is still exciting. I doubt we will do anything special, I suppose it depends on what's going on around that time. Perhaps a movie & some dinner somewhere! Just being together makes me happy. I do love him, even though he drives me crazy some days :). But what's life without a little craziness!! Well, for now I'm going to hang out with him before he goes to his friends for some gaming. I will end with more pictures - continuing on from where my last post ended.
I love the new posts and comments - thanks so much. LOTS OF LOVE - xoxox