Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Swing, Swing

Things have been crazy lately. The cold I had was nasty - it hung on for two weeks. Needless to say, with inventory at work, I was working hard and the cold was kicking my butt. After work, there was plenty of napping with Skyler. However, we did venture out on Saturday for her first walk. I clicked the carseat into the stroller system and off we went. Skyler took a nice nap, I got some exercise, we visited Mary, it was enjoyable. The weather has been really warm & great lately. We would have gone for another walk this week, but I've been working until 4:30 most days and by then I'm just too tired to go walking about town.

Yesterday was Skyler's doctors appointment. She got weighed (7lb 12oz), measured (18 1/4 inches long, 14inches for her head) and a few shots. She then got a swing, which she is currently napping in. However, she won't fall asleep while it is moving. I noticed she was getting sleepy but the swinging kept waking her up, so I turned it off, and out she went. It has been difficult to do anything the last week because she wasn't feeling quite herself - didn't catch my cold, but got a bit congested and so, she wanted to be held ALL.DAY.LONG. Which left very little time for even a simple chore. The swing has seemed to win her over, though, and for that we are pleased.

I found out today that I was approved for, & very happily I accepted, the office position at work. Being a cashier is fun & easy enough but after nearly 1.5years of it, I'm bored! This job comes with A LOT of work and responsibilities, but I think it will be okay. Office stuff is what I like - paperwork, organization (though you can't tell from my house!), and it's just a change of pace. Oh, and a bit of a raise, too! The hours will be different from my usual morning to afternoon shift, with the occasional close(but the number of hours is only a few more than I normally work). For instance, next week for training I will be working some 8-4's, 12-8:30's (closeing time), and Sunday I work 8:30-6:30, which is open to close. That will take some getting used to, but we thankfully have a wonderful babysitter who can watch Skyler during those times. Luckily I don't get off at some of the hours Jeremiah does - 10pm, 11pm, plus the 45min drive home.. yuck! Though, he has been getting more daytime hours since he switched to Electronics department. He seems to like it and is considering moving to the morning shift if possible. It would be nice to not have to eat dinner at midnight and go to bed at 1 or 2am, to get up with Skyler in the night and then be up at 6:30 or 7am for work :).

I'm very behind on reading blogs, because Skyler had been so fussy the last few days. I think whatever was bugging her has gone now, she was in a MUCH better mood this morning. She is also beginning to smile more - more REAL smiles. This morning I put her in her swing, moved the little toy bar over and she smiled at the toys! I only caught the end of it - the "awe" in her face of how awesome her parents are for getting her such a nice gift ;).

I was just getting used to how big she is feeling, and heavy too, and then I see her in this swing. She still looks so tiny, hah. Some days I call her my big girl, because of how well she's growing, and other days she is still my tiny baby. I probably am confusing her poor brain, "Am I big or small? Get it straight, lady!"

I think that is about all, for today. Oh and p.s....
baby tylenol saved our lives last night. Skyler was fine for the first few hours after her shots and then we got home.. and she screamed. And screamed. And screamed some more. Next time, I will dose the medicine a lot sooner - poor thing. She felt tons better this morning, though :).

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter ducklings.

Well, I've got a  nasty cold and Jeremiah had to work on Easter, so Skyler & I spent it napping and relaxing at home. Then, we got on tornado watch which turned into tornado warning. The sirens were going off, I was freaking out, and we were home alone! We ended up going to Theresa's and sitting with all of them while it was going on. Luckily nothing hit too near town, but there was some intense hail, rain and wind. So, Skyler spent her first Easter napping and enduring her first tornado warning. I didn't do anything big for her considering she wouldn't remember and Jeremiah was gone most of the day, but I did get her a nice big Easter duckling. At first, she didn't like it and was punching and kicking it away - and then, it was snuggle time. Enjoy!

Get this thing away from me!!
I guess it isn't SO bad...
It is pretty soft...

p.s...... Skyler got weighed on March 30 - 6lb 5.5oz
Today on April 5 she is....

7lbs 2oz!!!!!!